Foundational Supplements: Hit Reset and Kick the Year Off Your Way

Welcome! I’m Glad You’re Here:
Hello! Whether you’re brand new to supplemental nutrition, or you’re a seasoned supplement guru, I’m happy you’re here. We’re going to discuss the foundational supplements to help support our overall health and wellness. Let’s find out how you can reset your supplement routine and head back to the basics to help optimize your wellness journey. ‡ 

O.N.E.TM and Done:
It can be hard to know, or even remember, all the ins and outs of how to take supplements. Foundational supplements start with a reliable, once-daily multivitamin. The beauty of our O.N.E.TM Multivitamin is that it provides a comprehensive profile of highly bioavailable vitamins, fully chelated minerals and antioxidants to support optimal health.1

  • Our O.N.E. Multivitamin includes Metafolin®L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF), the naturally occurring, universally metabolized form of folate. It also offers the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin help maintain macular and retinal health.2,3 
  • Antioxidants include lycopene, alpha lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10,provided as a blend of standard ubiquinone and a sustained-release water-soluble form (MicroActive® Q10) for the added antioxidant support. 4,5 
  • This once-daily formulation also provides choline and inositol, which play essential roles in neuronal function and vitamin D to support cellular health.6-8‡

If you’re looking closely, you’ll notice that even though our O.N.E.TM Multivitamin is a foundational supplement, it doesn’t contain Magnesium and a few other minerals. Why is that? Keep reading to find out!

One Mineral with Multiple Functions:
I’m sure most of you have heard of Magnesium. If you haven’t, not to worry! Magnesium is a multi-faceted mineral usually found in dark leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes like beans.9 Magnesium is a cofactor in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function and many more biochemical reactions your body relies on.9

  • Magnesium activates the enzymes necessary for a number of physiological functions, including neuromuscular contractions, cardiac function and the regulation of the acid-alkaline balance in the body.10-13
  • Studies have found that optimal magnesium intake was associated with positive mood and healthy lipid metabolism.14
  • Magnesium is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats for energy production and the utilization of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.15-21‡
  • Studies have supported that magnesium intake was associated with healthy cardiovascular function and glucose utilization.22
  • Another large cross-sectional study found that magnesium intake was positively associated with bone mineral density in certain subgroups.23

The RDA for Magnesium for adults is 310-420mg depending on age and gender.9 Some Multivitamins, like our O.N.E.TM Multivitamin, don’t include Magnesium in its formulation. This is because magnesium must be bound to a large molecule (like citrate or glycinate, for example) in order to be stable and bioavailable. These forms take up space in a capsule and would require multiple capsule servings if added in a multivitamin and mineral complex. Not to fret! You can find our Nutrient 950, UltraNutrient®, Women's Nutrients, and Men's Nutrients as multivitamins complexes that provide magnesium.

The Ocean’s Omegas… Encapsulated:
We are talking foundational supplements to help support you on your wellness journey. What sort of Registered Dietitian would I be if I didn’t mention fish oils?! Did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend adults to eat at least 8oz of seafood per week? Plus! If you’re pregnant or breast feeding, it’s recommended to consume 8-12oz of fish per week.24 

This is because fish oil is a rich source of healthy Omega fatty acids such as Omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosanexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA found in fish oil, including our O.N.E.TM Omega.24

  • EPA and DHA from fish oil encourage cardiovascular health by supporting healthy lipid metabolism and healthy blood flow.25-27
  • Fish oil also promotes joint function and comfort.28-29
  • Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may also play a role in maintaining gastrointestinal cell health by supporting healthy eicosanoid production.30‡

Our O.N.E.™ Omega provides 600mg of EPA and 400mg of DHA. In comparison, just one serving of 8 oz. wild-caught Atlantic salmon provides a total of approximately 1.57g of combined EPA and DHA.31 Now that we’ve discussed the role of fish oils in a foundational wellness regime, let’s talk about another well-known foundational supplement.

Chasing that Sunshine:
If you’re adding to your supplement-game, or just starting out, there’s one common denominator we need to talk about: Vitamin D.

I like to refer to Vitamin D as the “Sunshine Vitamin.” Naturally, the sun is the body’s main source of Vitamin D. This is because the UVB rays the sun emits help convert cholesterol in our skin into Vitamin D3 precursors. These precursors then travel through the body to the liver and the kidneys where it comes converted into the activated and usable form of Vitamin D in the body, or what we call: Vitamin D3.32

Vitamin D3 offers many benefits including bone, immune and cellular health just to name a few:

  • Research indicates that it also promotes cellular health, including support for breast and prostate tissue, in part, by helping to maintain healthy blood vessel function, supporting immune cell activity and maintaining healthy cell metabolism.33-35
  • Vitamin D’s role in immune health has long been established; vitamin D receptors are found in a number of immune cells, including lymphocytes and macrophages, maintaining healthy immune cell activation.36
  • Vitamin D also supports cardiovascular function in some individuals.37

Vitamin D3 dosage servings is often reported in international units or, IU’s. Our Vitamin D3 25mcg provides 1,000 IU of activated vitamin D3.  Our Vitamin D3 VESIsorb provides 50mcg or 2,000 IU of activated vitamin D3. The neat thing about our VESIsorb® formulation is that this technology provides a self-assembling colloidal system to help enhance that foundational supplement absorption. Can’t get enough of Vitamin D? Read more about how Vitamin D can help support your immune system here.

Foundational Immune Support:
I love this next foundational supplement: Zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral and a constituent for over two dozen enzyme reactions in the body.38 It’s also supportive for the immune system too!

  • Zinc plays an important role in supporting the body’s defense system, promoting healthy neutrophil, natural killer cell and T-lymphocyte function.39
  • Zinc is essential for the healthy storage and metabolism of carbohydrates, as well as the absorption and function of B vitamins.40
  • This mineral contributes to healthy prostatic function and is essential for normal fetal and reproductive development.41‡

Not to mention Zinc plays a fundamental role in collagen formation and healthy tissue development.42 What a well-rounded foundational supplement to keep with you on your supplement journey.

Why Travel Alone on Your Journey?
Last but not least, let’s discuss a probiotic to help add some variety to your foundational supplement repertoire. Certain probiotics can help support and maintain healthy gastrointestinal barrier function and help support the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract.43 There are some strains, like the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, found in our Pure GG 25B that have multiple benefits.

  • Studies have supported that probiotics, like L. rhamnosus GG, offered statistically significant support for respiratory and immune health.44
  • Probiotics such as L. rhamnosus GG are well known for their favorable effects on bowel function, particularly abdominal comfort, bowel motility and occasional diarrhea.45
  • Research support that probiotics, like L. rhamnosus GG, promote cytokine balance in the G.I. tract at the level of gene expression, and overall immunomodulatory support.46

These are just a few good reasons why you should consider adding a probiotic to your foundational supplement routine. These tiny, microscopic organisms can go with you on your supplement journey.

It’s About the Destination… AND the Journey.
If you’re looking for more information about the foundational supplements to help get you rolling this year, check our Dr. Nathan Morris’s video about his top 5 supplements to support wellness. You can find it here: There you have it! The foundational supplements to help support your daily wellness. If you’re new to the journey, or just getting a refresher, complete our 5-minute Vitamin Quiz to get your FREE personalized supplement plan. Not only can you take our quiz as many times as you’d like, but you’ll receive personalized vitamin and mineral recommendations developed with medical and nutrition professionals. Check it out here:

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