Cellular Energy: What Is Cellular Energy? Exploring the Process Behind Energy Production in Cells
What You’ll Learn: In this blog, we will discuss which nutrients are helpful to naturally support your cellular energy and why your cells rely on certain nutrients to help support your energy levels and help with natural, healthy aging.‡
Do you take your supplements in the morning, or do you prefer to take them at night? Funny story, I’m a morning supplement person. I like to take my Vitamin B’s, Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra and my EPA/DHA Essentials first thing in the morning. My fiancé, on the other hand, takes his at night. Let me clarify – he likes to take his supplements except for his Vitamin B’s, at night. Every morning, he wakes up before dawn and packs his B Vitamins to take to work with him to have during the day. Well, a few weeks ago, he had forgotten to pack his B Vitamins to take to work, so I, not really thinking about it, included it in his evening supplement routine. He was up all night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep because he felt too awake while I slept like a baby, oops!
Why couldn’t my fiancé get a good night’s rest? Simple! I accidentally gave him supplements that help support cellular energy in the evening. I just didn’t realize my mistake until the next morning. Let’s discuss more about what other nutrients help support cellular energy.
How Is Cellular Energy Connected to Aging?
Aging is a natural and unavoidable process; however, research suggests that there are some natural ways we can help support healthy aging. One good place to start is encouraging healthy mitochondrial function. Mitochondria have long been recognized not merely as being energy suppliers but also as having an essential role in supporting healthy aging. Research suggests that aging is closely related to energy supply, energy imbalance and oxidative stress, or the imbalance of antioxidants to free radical species in the body.1
All of these may be supported with physical activity and healthy diet, but did you know there are ways to support energy balance through nutrition and antioxidant support to promote cellular energy and healthy aging?1 We are just getting started, but we are going to talk more about how the mitochondria help support both cellular energy and healthy aging.1‡
What Are Mitochondria?
The mitochondria are commonly referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. But, what are they? The mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles found with cells that have the sole responsibility to help produce energy needed to power the body’s biochemical reactions. This energy the mitochondria produce is ATP, or adenosine triphosphate.2
Cells with high energy requirements actually have more mitochondria to help produce more ATP to help meet the demands of these working cells.2 Think of those cells that require more ATP – I’m talking those muscle cells literally lifting you and carrying throughout your day, your brain cells that are constantly processing info at all time, your heart muscle cells, which are pumping your blood through your veins and even your kidneys, which are working to filter and purify your blood. Yep – all those types of cells have a higher percentage of mitochondria present to help produce the ATP they need.2‡
What Is NAD+?
NAD+, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is an important nutrient for mitochondria.‡ The reason for this is because it helps convert food into energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring cellular function including cellular energy and healthy aging.3‡
Pure Encapsulations® Mitochondrial-ATP provides a compound called, Nicotinamide mononucleotide, because that’s a mouthful, I’m going to refer to it further NMN. NMN is a unique form of vitamin B3 that gets converted to NAD+. NAD+ declines with age and plays an important role in energy production within the mitochondria and cellular repair.4 Preliminary research suggests NMN supports synthesis of NAD+ in tissues, supporting cellular function and longevity, energy metabolism, aerobic capacity and glucose homeostasis.5, 6, 7‡
What’s more, this formulation contains 30 mg of CoQ10, which plays an important role in the synthesis of ATP to help support cellular energy. CoQ10 is a core component of cellular energy production and mitochondrial respiration, shuttling electrons down the electron transport chain to produce the key energy-rich molecule, ATP.8‡
If we’re going to talk about CoQ10, then we may also mention Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol-QH is an active antioxidant form of CoQ10. It’s known to help support for energy metabolism and cardiovascular health. Ubiquinol is also known as the active form of CoQ10.‡
What Nutrients Support Cellular Energy?‡
It’s exciting to know that there are many nutrients to help support healthy cellular energy and even healthy aging. For example, alpha lipoic acid, acetyl-l-carnitine and resveratrol support mitochondria synthesis by promoting healthy activity of the key enzyme AMP kinase (AMPK).9 Polyphenols, like those found in cranberry, wild blueberry, Orleans strawberry and spinach extracts, provide support for cardiometabolic and neurocognitive benefits.10 Not to mention, our RevitalAge Ultra is another unique formula that contains 50 mg of NMN, but this formula also offers B-Vitamins. Let me tell you why B-Vitamins have long been another nutrient associated with cellular energy.‡
How B-Vitamins Help Cellular Energy
The reason why B-Vitamins, like those found in our B-Complex Plus, help support cellular energy is because they support mitochondrial enzymes which ultimately help to create ATP.11,12,13 For example, Pantothenic Acid, also known as Vitamin B5, is a precursor of coenzyme A (CoA).‡
One of the main functions for CoA is the formation of acetyl-CoA, vital for cellular respiration and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids through the energy-creating cycle called the Krebs cycle.14 Tissues with the highest retention of pantothenic acid are the kidneys, pituitary gland, heart, muscle, liver and adrenal glands.15 (Sounds familiar, right? Those are those hard-working muscle cells I told you about earlier). Pantothenic Acid or Vitamin B5 helps support adrenal function for cellular energy support. 14,‡ Do you want to know more about adrenal support? Keep on reading!‡
Herbals for Adrenal Support and Cellular Energy‡
This was the perfect segue for me to introduce you to the adrenal system and the role the adrenals play in a different type of energy. The adrenals are a pair of glands that sit above the kidneys and are responsible for secreting epinephrine and norepinephrine to help energize us and increase mental alertness. The adrenals also produce corticosteroids.16 These are all different types of hormones.
The adrenals are a part of your endocrine system. You’ve probably heard of the endocrine system whenever your doctor or a friend who you know has mentioned the hormone insulin and glucose metabolism. Well, the endocrine system does much more than just manage insulin. Within that system, the adrenals produce hormones that help play a role in how your body transforms and metabolizes energy in the body from the food you eat.16
Did you know there are herbs that can help support the adrenals of the endocrine system to promote stamina and reduce occasional fatigue?‡
Adaptogens are plant compounds that have long been associated with enhancing stamina and reducing mild fatigue. They encourage both physical work capacity and mental performance. Often referred to as tonics, they have mild and diverse effects on physiology, supporting immune, cardiovascular and endocrine functions.17-23 At the same time, they support the adrenals by helping the body to adapt to and cope with occasional stress.17-19 Panax ginseng promotes endurance and stamina, while also promoting cognitive, cardiovascular and immune function.20,21 Ashwagandha is recognized for supporting healthy stress responses and cognitive function.22,‡ Rhodiola and eleuthero are traditionally associated with rejuvenating effects and the ability to promote endurance.23‡
Ashwagandha, Asian Ginseng, Eleurthero and Rhodiola extract are all found in our Pure Encapsulations® Energy Xtra formula. If you want to find an herbal option to help support your adrenal glands this is a great place to start after discussing with your healthcare provider. ‡
Why Support Your Cellular Energy
From mitochondria, NMN, NAD+, B-Vitamins like Pantothenic acid and herbals for adrenal support, there are so many natural ways you can help support your overall cellular energy. By supporting your cellular energy, you are helping to maintain healthy cellular function, which is particularly important as we age.1 By doing this, you’re giving your cells that rejuvenation they need to help support your mitochondria promote that natural energy production to keep you feeling great and naturally energized.‡
My fiancé would just recommend you take your cellular energy support supplements during the daytime, because we all know how important a good night’s rest can be! Now, which energy products will you choose next?
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